You may have noticed little activity in this page this is due to me discovering the frame I have is ever so slightly bent!!!!
After fully stripping it to paint, the bike shop as advised if i bring it in for straightening they will need the back end on and the engine back in and for ease of movement the front end in place also.
So I'm now at that stage and with the aid of Jim and his bike trailer the bike will be deposited at Start Right Motorcycles the first week of Jan 2008
Then I need to get on with it as the wife wants a bike to ride this coming season
At the shop awaiting a cut and blow dry....
Back end on temp only until frame straightened, as I have the XJR swing arm and wheel to take it's place.
A good degreasing and jet wash, then the dremmil to take out the rust!
Now a good lashing of gloss black hamerite. The thing hiding under the bandana at the back is bike 1..He's shy!!
This was scruffy! Someone's been dancing around with a can of satinblack paint.... :-)
One as to keep entertained....
A little restoration work on the tank cover, this is the one I damaged when I came last year.
Now what colour to paint it?
Lots more to follow soon!!!